Site Content FYI – End Of Upstate New York Stargazing Series, May 2018

Greetings fellow astrophiles,

After almost two years, 28 articles (having even gone weekly last summer to coax people out more often with up-to-date positioning and flyover timings), one well-attended solar eclipse, and a short-stack of Uranus potty humor and misspelled complaints about grammar and punctuation (sorry again, Kathleen), the decision was made by Syracuse Media Group to discontinue the UNY Stargazing series featured at and

Those seeking monthly astronomy content do not have to look far at all – generally speaking, there is little to differentiate the Upstate NY skies from the rest of the continental U.S. Planetary, some satellite, and various deep space observing opportunities are available for your reading and scheduling pleasure at the many sites listed on the CNYO Cheat Sheet.

If you have not yet done so – I cannot recommend enough that you find and join a local astronomy club. Your membership will help keep them going, and the learning and observing opportunities will help keep you going.

One Thought on “Site Content FYI – End Of Upstate New York Stargazing Series, May 2018

  1. Sean McClain on May 12, 2018 at 5:34 am said:

    I’m disappointed to hear of the demise of this series Damian. I must admit that I am new to astronomy, and was not aware there was a series. If I had been aware, I would have followed it. While I have subscribed to the PS in the past and still read it online, I find it difficult to navigate to the content I want in the PS. It’s unfortunate because I think the PS is an excellent publication with lots of content I want to see. I especially like the local stories and op-ed’s. Sean Kirst’s work was always excellent.

    On a more hopeful note, I agree that there are lots of great opportunities for stargazers in CNY incuding CNYO, Syracuse Astronomical Society, ASRAS, Kopernic, Hosted stargazing events at our abundant parks, TACNY events, MOST events, events related to the astronomy programs at OCC, RIT, UofR, Cornell, and the list goes on. While we are not fortunate when it comes to probability of clear skies, we do have fairly good access to dark skies compared to more populated areas. When I lived in Philadelphia, PA it was impossible to see the sky I see from my front porch in Baldwinsville, NY without driving an hour. Likewise, a short drive to our club’s dark sky site in Tully, NY will show me things that will never be visible in the Baldwinsville sky (unless we have a power outage on a new moon when it’s clear or lighting standards change to encourage less uplighting).

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