Tag Archives: 2014 Astrofest

NASA Space Place – On The Brightness Of Venus

Poster’s Note: One of the many under-appreciated aspects of NASA is the extent to which it publishes quality science content for children and Ph.D.’s alike. NASA Space Place has been providing general audience articles for quite some time that are freely available for download and republishing. Your tax dollars help promote science! The following article was provided for reprinting in July, 2015.

By Dr. Ethan Siegel

2013february2_spaceplaceThroughout the past few months, Venus and Jupiter have been consistently the brightest two objects visible in the night sky (besides the moon) appearing in the west shortly after sunset. Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the solar system, yet Venus is the planet that comes closest to our world. On June 30th, Venus and Jupiter made their closest approach to one another as seen from Earth—a conjunction—coming within just 0.4° of one another, making this the closest conjunction of these two worlds in over 2,000 years.

And yet throughout all this time, and especially notable near its closest approach, Venus far outshines Jupiter by 2.7 astronomical magnitudes, or a factor of 12 in apparent brightness. You might initially think that Venus’s proximity to Earth would explain this, as a cursory check would seem to show. On June 30th Venus was 0.5 astronomical units (AU) away from Earth, while Jupiter was six AU away. This appears to be exactly the factor of 12 that you need.

Only this doesn’t explain things at all! Brightness falls off as the inverse square of the distance, meaning that if all things were equal, Venus ought to seem not 12 but 144 times brighter than Jupiter. There are three factors in play that set things back on the right path: size, albedo, and illumination. Jupiter is 11.6 times the diameter of Venus, meaning that despite the great difference in distance, the two worlds spanned almost exactly the same angular diameter in the sky on the date of the conjunction. Moreover, while Venus is covered in thick, sulfuric acid clouds, Jupiter is a reflective, cloudy world, too. All told, Venus possesses only a somewhat greater visual geometric albedo (or amount of reflected visible light) than Jupiter: 67 percent and 52 percent, respectively. Finally, while Venus and Jupiter both reflect sunlight toward Earth, Jupiter is always in the full (or almost full) phase, while Venus (on June 30th) appeared as a thick crescent.

All told, it’s a combination of these four factors—distance, size, albedo, and the phase-determined illuminated area—that determine how bright a planet appears to us, and all four need to be taken into account to explain our observations.

Don’t fret if you missed the Venus-Jupiter conjunction; three more big, bright, close ones are coming up later this year in the eastern pre-dawn sky: Mars-Jupiter on October 17, Venus-Jupiter on October 26, and Venus-Mars on November 3.

Keep watching the skies, and enjoy the spectacular dance of the planets!


Caption: Image credit: E. Siegel, using the free software Stellarium (L); Wikimedia Commons user TimothyBoocock, under a c.c.-share alike 3.0 license (R). The June 30th conjunction (L) saw Venus and Jupiter pass within 0.4° of one another, yet Venus always appears much brighter (R), as it did in this image from an earlier conjunction.

About NASA Space Place

The goal of the NASA Space Place is “to inform, inspire, and involve children in the excitement of science, technology, and space exploration.” More information is available at their website: http://spaceplace.nasa.gov/

Save The Date! Kopernik Astronomical Society’s AstroFest 2014 – October 24th To 26th

Greetings fellow astrophiles!


Kopernik’s Domes. Image from en.vi.ki.

The official word is in from Kopernik’s own Fibber Magee that the 2014 AstroFest is scheduled from Friday, October 24th to Sunday, October 26th. Last year’s AstroFest was a great three days of informative lectures, fine dining, raffle prizes, a little observing (admittedly, the weather did not accommodate much observing. That said, there were some interesting cloud patterns out), and the usual great hang with fellow amateur astronomers. The Kopernik Facility is the envy of any amateur astronomy group and they do not disappoint as event hosts!


Kopernik’s Art Cacciola leads a discussion. Image from the Owego Pennysaver.

When the official announcement is sent out by Kopernik with the list of presenters and events, we’ll be sure to post that info here. For a sample of the variety of speakers and events that Kopernik hosts during their AstroFest, check out our post of last year’s announcement. Also, check out the 2013 AstroFest photo gallery on the Kopernik website at: kopernikastro.org/pg-2013-astrofest/.

We hope you can join Kopernik (and several CNYO members) for the festivities on October!