Tag Archives: Bionanotechnology

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique: “Bionanotechnology: Between Reality And Dream”

Saturday – September 17, 9:30-11:00am

Milton J Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology – Syracuse, NY

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Please RSVP to jrcafe@tacny.org


Liviu Movileanu, PhD, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics, Syracuse University

Talk Overview

Today is an exceptional time for working in bionanotechnology. Many noteworthy breakthroughs in the last two decades in physics, chemistry, biology, and materials science have permitted obtaining an immense amount of information on molecular structure and function of biomolecules. With the inspiration of so many examples from nature, we are now poised to make use of it for atomic- and molecular-level engineering. Therefore, bionanotechnology is a rapidly evolving and unifying science that encompasses a collection of disciplines.


movileanu_2Liviu Movileanu has studied physics (1985-1990) and received the Ph.D. degree in biophysics from the University of Bucharest (1997). He has acquired postdoctoral positions at the University of Missouri (Kansas City, USA, 1997-1998) and the Texas A&M University Health Science Center (College Station, Tex, USA, 1999-2004). Currently, he is as a Professor of Physics at Syracuse University. He has published about ~67 papers in international scientific journals and has delivered more than 140 invited talks worldwide. He is also affiliated to Syracuse Biomaterials Institute (SBI), SUNY Upstate Cancer Research Institute, and Institute of Complex Adaptive Matter (ICAM-I2CAM). He has been awarded an Associate Member Fellowship of the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (1997), a Research Fellowship of the TEMPUS Program of the European Community (1997), and a Wellcome Trust Fellowship for International Postdoctoral Fellows (1998). Currently, his research group is funded by the US National Institutes of Health. His expertise areas include single-molecule and membrane biophysics, chemical and synthetic biology, bionanotechnology and nanomedicine, biosensors and functional biomaterials, biological statistics, and numerical analysis of stochastic biological processes.

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique, a program for middle-school students founded in 2005, features discussions about topics in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an informal atmosphere and seeks to encourage students to consider careers in these areas. Students must be accompanied by an adult and can explore the MOST at no cost after the event.

Technology Alliance of Central New York

Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit www.tacny.org.