Tag Archives: Genius Olympiad

GENIUS Olympiad – Judges Needed – 19 June 2019

Editor’s Note: The following announcement is in from the TACNY email list. If you’re available, please consider spending the day being quite impressed (as I’ve been previously)!

You are invited to serve as a judge for the GENIUS Olympiad on Wednesday, June 19th, as we encourage young scientific minds from all over the world. Terra Science and Education even provides a FREE BUS for judges from Syracuse!

The GENIUS Olympiad is an international high school competition about environmental issues in the disciplines of Science, Robotics, Visual and Performing Arts, Creating Writing, and Business. We expect 700+ projects from 75 countries and 42 states (1400 participants)!

Everyone with a passion for environmental issues and a BS/BA degree in STEM, business, art, music, short film, or education may volunteer to judge for the appropriate field. Each judging session is three hours, during which you talk with assigned students and grade their performance based on judging criteria given to you. We would like to have you for both morning and afternoon sessions, if possible.

Judges are crucial, so not only do we provide lunch and refreshments during judging, and free parking or a free bus, but we also thank each judge with a $25 Amazon Gift card at the end of your day!

More information will be sent via email to those who register.

WHEN: Wednesday, June 19, 2019
     [FREE bus leaves Bird Library at SU at 8:00 AM]
Morning Session: 9:30-12 PM
     [LUNCH for those judging both sessions 12:00-1:00 PM]
Afternoon Session: 1-3.30 PM
     [FREE bus leaves Oswego at 3:45 PM, arrives at Bird by 4:45 PM]
     [Those with their own transportation may stay for the 5:00 PM Cultural Festival as well.]

            WHERE: SUNY Oswego Campus, Campus Center Arena, Oswego, NY 13126

If you would like to be a judge for the GENIUS Olympiad on June 19th, please register at one of these links:

  1. I will use the FREE bus:  Free bus LINK
  2. I have my own transportation:  Own transportation LINK

Please share this e-mail with your friends and colleagues. These marvelous young people deserve the richness of many judges!

Thank you,

Dr. Fehmi Damkaci
Director, GENIUS Olympiad

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique: “Secrets, Strength & Sleep: Three Short Talks with Three Student Scientists”

Saturday – September 16, 9:30-11:00am

Please RSVP to jrcafe@tacny.org

Milton J Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology – Syracuse, NY

View Larger Map

Talk 1: “Behind the Cause: How Computational Simulations Can Help Fight Disease,” by Elise White, Senior at Binghamton High School

Overview: Envision a revolutionary ability bestowed upon you allowing unlimited insight into the complex depths of your body and the biological world. You become witness to the thousands of processes and theories described in textbooks, freely watching and even manipulating thousands of atoms and molecules interact on a timescale a billion times smaller than a second. Focus – Alzheimer’s – a disease that attacks your brain and erases its memories. Using this incredible ability, you can attempt to illuminate the cause of such a horrible disease. Join Elise as she shares the journey of doing precisely that, and learn how computational simulations are revolutionizing modern research!

Short biography: Propelled by a family tragedy, Elise began researching the Tau protein and the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease. As a result, Elise became a 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist, where she received a Special Award. She also was selected to compete in the New York State Science Congress, and was there awarded highest honors in the physical sciences.

Talk 2: “Making Cool Things Out of Light,” by Hari Nanthakumar, Senior at Christian Brothers Academy

Overview: As part of the Hosein Research Group of Syracuse University, Hari creates materials that are ultra-light and ultra-strong. They can be applied in spaceships and airplanes resulting in fuel-efficiency, making travel much cheaper and requiring significantly less gas, and allowing spaceships to feasibly reach Mars and other planets. Learn how we make these fascinating materials, all by pointing LED lamps at a liquid and causing an interesting reaction.

Short biography: Hari has performed research at SUNY Oswego and Syracuse University. He was a 2017 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair Finalist, and there received an Honorable Mention from NASA. Hari published a paper as lead author in Elsevier’s Results in Physics, was a 2x Silver Medalist at the GENIUS Olympiad, and was featured in reports by NewsChannel 9 WSYR and SU’s College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Talk 3: “Sleep or Sleeplessness?” by Neil Khurana, Senior at Fayetteville-Manlius High School

Overview: Sleep plays an important role in our health and well being, but many of us seem to not get enough of it. Sometimes the disturbance of the biological clock may give rise to sleep disorders. Learn about a diagnostic tool, which may drastically change the future of treating the global sleep epidemic!

Short biography: Neil worked as an intern at Quadrant Biosciences, and volunteered as a research assistant at the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurosciences at Upstate Medical University. Neil was a 2017 Intel International Science Fair Finalist, and there received a third-place award.

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique

TACNY Junior Cafe Scientifique, a program for middle-school students founded in 2005, features discussions about topics in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an informal atmosphere and seeks to encourage students to consider careers in these areas. Students must be accompanied by an adult and can explore the MOST at no cost after the event.

Technology Alliance of Central New York

Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit www.tacny.org.

GENIUS Olympiad, Wednesday, 14 June 2017 – Judges Needed!

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This in from the TACNY email list and seconded by the indefatigable Mary Eileen Wood – and apologies for the short notice on this one (me, not them). If you’ve available this Wednesday, consider giving your time to a very good cause (and prepare to be amazed. Several CNYO members have judged in the past few years and have always come away feeling a bit better about the future of humanity).

Official brochure – click for a larger view.

The GENIUS Olympiad is an international high school competition about environmental issues. The competition covers the disciplines of Science, Arts (Poster and Photography), Short Film, Creating Writing, Business, and Robotics. We are expecting more than 550 projects from 71 countries and 37 states.

We would like you to serve as a judge for our competition to help us encourage young minds from all over the world. Anyone with a passion for environmental issues and a BS/BA degree in STEM, business, art, music, writing, education, or who is professional in the area of the field may volunteer to be a judge for the appropriate field. As a judge, there is a time commitment of at least three hours per session, in which you are expected to talk to 12-15 students and grade their performance based on judging criteria given to you. For science and art categories, we would like to have you for both morning and afternoon sessions, if possible.

We will provide lunch, refreshments during judging, free parking, and a GENIUS Olympiad T-shirt and mug to judges during the event. More information will be sent via email to those who register a week before the event, but please put our event on your calendar as soon as you register


* Wednesday, June 14, 2017
* Morning Session: 9-12 AM
* Afternoon Session: 1-4 PM
* SUNY Oswego Campus, Campus Center Arena, Oswego, NY 13126

You are also invited to the International Cultural Festival at 5 pm on the same day after judging. This event is fun and engaging with performances and activities from around the world.


* If you would like to be a judge for the GENIUS Olympiad, please register on our website.
* Please also feel free to share this e-mail with your friends and colleagues to invite them to join us.

P.S. Creative writing judging will happen before the event by reading writings and also during the event by listening students.

Technology Alliance of Central New York

Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit www.tacny.org.

Judges Needed For GENIUS Olympiad – Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This in from the TACNY email list:

GENIUS Olympiad

We would like you to serve as a judge for GENIUS Olympiad to help us encourage young scientific minds from all over the world. If you would like to be a judge for the GENIUS Olympiad, please register on our website.

The GENIUS Olympiad is an international high school competition about environmental issues. The competition covers the disciplines of Science, Design, Visual and Performing Arts, Creating Writing, and Business. We are expecting more than 500 projects from 66 countries and 31 states (900 participants).

Anyone with a passion for environmental issues and a BS/BA degree in STEM, business, art, or education may volunteer to be a judge for the appropriate field. As a judge, there is a time commitment of at least three hours per session, in which you are expected to talk to 11 students and grade their performance based on judging criteria given to you. We would like to have you for both morning and afternoon sessions, if possible.

We will provide lunch and refreshments during judging, free parking, and a GENIUS Olympiad T-shirt for those who volunteer their time. More information will be sent via email to those who register.


* Tuesday, June 14, 2016
* Morning Session: 9-12 AM
*Afternoon Session: 1-3.30 pm
* SUNY Oswego Campus, Campus Center Arena (Science/Art/Design), Oswego, NY 13126

You are also invited to the International Cultural Festival at 5 pm on the same day. This event is fun and engaging with performances and activities from around the world.

If you would like to be a judge for the GENIUS Olympiad, please register on our website. Please feel free to share this e-mail with your friends and colleagues to invite them to join us. We particularly need judges for science, design, and business.

For information:
Dr. Fehmi Damkaci

phone: (315) 312 2698
fax: (315) 312 5424