Tag Archives: Martin Luther King Jr.

Maker Hall At The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Celebration – 17 January 2015

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

The posted email below from Mary Eileen Wood of Ying-TRSEF and OCC (and CNY’s most active STEM educator!) is an announcement both for interested CNYO members and anyone else who might have a club, organization, or garage full of kid-friendly equipment who might want to set up a booth to participate in the Maker Hall festivities. This will be my 3rd such event (Ryan Goodson and I having run CNYO booths at the two events (announced HERE and HERE) in 2014) and I can tell you that these Maker Faires are THE place to be for anyone interested in (and interested in promoting) STEM education.


If anyone has interest in hanging out at the CNYO (and NASA Solar System Ambassador) booth, please let me know at admin@cnyo.org. If you’ve an organization that wants to participate, please contact Mary Eileen Wood using the contact info at the bottom of the email:

For the first time, the MLK Committee is incorporating a Maker Hall into the Dr. King Celebration, giving the STEM community the Fowler High School gymnasium. TACNY members can once again delight a diverse array of families from our community with science and technology!

Wonder what a Maker Hall is? It’s basically a Mini Maker Faire – lots of stations with fascinating hands-on activities for all ages that engage families in exploring great Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics fun.

The adventures already include the IEEE station with flashing circuits, the NASA Solar Ambassador’s space rocks, OCC’s “virtual engineering” center, the U.S. Army team’s hands-on gear set up, DIY spaghetti engineering, Rotary’s basketball math … and whatever YOU would like to bring!

* Register ASAP to volunteer for the Maker Hall – we are preparing for 500 attendees!

* Our Hall’s volunteer shift is 10a-3p, so you will be provided with a free lunch!

* This link gives you the flyer (PDF) for recruiting more volunteers.

* This link is the invitation (PDF) to attend the Dr. King Community Celebration. Send it to everyone you can, so we have LOTS of people at this great STEM party!

* Questions? Call Mary Eileen Wood at 315-468-1025 or email trsef@verizon.net.

* Plan to dress comfortably and have a GREAT time!