Greetings, fellow astrophiles – the following made its way into our email inbox recently. For interested parties, details are below:
Northern Hemisphere Objects
For our next competition we are asking you to show us your favourite Northern Hemisphere object. Send us your best astrophotography images for a chance to win £300 (~$400)
The competition is free to enter and open to all budding astro photographers and group entries are also welcome. The closing date for submission is 31st March 2019 with the winner announced May 1st. So get set up, snapping, stacking and processing! Photos can be of any Northern Hemisphere astro object. Participants can enter a maximum of 2 photos and the images must be new, taken specifically for the competition.
Submit your entries by copying and pasting the following information into an email and send it to
Your name
Title of your Astro photo
Equipment used
Imaging Target
Digital processing methods employed (if any)
I confirm that the submitted image was taken specifically for the purpose of this competition.
Delete as appropriate: I consent to nPAE sending me information about future nPAE products and services / I do not consent to nPAE sending me information about future nPAE products and services
The winner will be announced on the 1st May 2019. Full details, terms and conditions can be found here.
Poster’s Note: One of the many under-appreciated aspects of NASA is the extent to which it publishes quality science content for children and Ph.D.’s alike. Your tax dollars help promote science! The following article was provided for reprinting by the Night Sky Network in March, 2019.
brings longer days for Northern Hemisphere observers, especially by the time of
the equinox. Early risers are
treated to the majority of the bright planets dancing in the morning skies, with
the Moon passing between them at the beginning and end of the month.
The vernal equinox occurs on March 20, marking the
official beginning of spring for the Northern Hemisphere. Our Sun shines
equally on the Northern and Southern Hemispheres during the moment of equinox,
which is why the March and September equinoxes are the only times of the year
when the Earth’s north and south poles are simultaneously lit by sunlight. Exacting astronomers will
note that the length of day and night on the equinox are not precisely equal; the date when they are
closest to equal depends on your latitude, and may occur a few days earlier or
later than the equinox itself. One complicating factor is that the Sun isn’t a
point light source, but a disc. Its edge is refracted by our atmosphere as it
rises and sets, which adds several minutes of light to every day. The Sun
doesn’t neatly wink on and off at sunrise and sunset like a light bulb, and so
there isn’t a perfect split of day and night on the equinox – but it’s very
Mars still shines in the west after
sunset. Mars scoots across the early evening skies from Aries towards Taurus
and meets the sparkling Pleiades star cluster by month’s end.
opens with the morning planets of Jupiter,
Saturn, and Venus spread out over the southeastern horizon before sunrise. A
crescent Moon comes very close to
Saturn on the 1st and occults the ringed planet during the daytime. Lucky
observers may be able to spot Mercury
by the end of the month. March 31 opens with a beautiful set of planets and a crescent
Moon strung diagonally across the early morning sky. Start with bright Jupiter,
almost due south shortly before dawn. Then slide down and east towards Saturn, prominent
but not nearly as bright as Jupiter. Continue east to the Moon, and then towards
the beacon that is Venus, its gleam piercing through the early morning light. End
with a challenge: can you find elusive Mercury above the eastern horizon?
Binoculars may be needed to spot the closest planet to the Sun as it will be
low and obscured by dawn’s encroaching glow. What a way to close out March!
Discover all of NASA’s current and future missions at
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Greetings, fellow astrophiles – the following made its way into our email inbox recently. For interested parties, details are below:
Northern Hemisphere Objects
For our next competition we are asking you to show us your favourite Northern Hemisphere object. Send us your best astrophotography images for a chance to win £300 (~$400)
The competition is free to enter and open to all budding astro photographers and group entries are also welcome. The closing date for submission is 31st March 2019 with the winner announced May 1st. So get set up, snapping, stacking and processing! Photos can be of any Northern Hemisphere astro object. Participants can enter a maximum of 2 photos and the images must be new, taken specifically for the competition.
Submit your entries by copying and pasting the following information into an email and send it to
Your name
Title of your Astro photo
Equipment used
Imaging Target
Digital processing methods employed (if any)
I confirm that the submitted image was taken specifically for the purpose of this competition.
Delete as appropriate: I consent to nPAE sending me information about future nPAE products and services / I do not consent to nPAE sending me information about future nPAE products and services
The winner will be announced on the 1st May 2019. Full details, terms and conditions can be found here.