Tag Archives: Orion

CNYO Observing Log: The Winter Of Lovejoy – Green Lakes, Jamesville Beach, And New Moon Telescopes HQ – January 9 to 14, 2015


Comet Lovejoy imaged on January 10th by the ever-impressive CNY astrophotographer Stephen Shaner. From his CNYO Facebook Group post: Last night was the first in over three months it was clear enough to shoot, but it worked out well because Comet Lovejoy is at its peak. Here’s a quick process of about 40 minutes of exposures between 8-9 PM as it crossed the meridian. FOV is roughly three degrees. Distinct pale green coma in the eyepiece but unable to make out a tail or see it naked eye.

The 2015 skies are going to be full of comets. Well, at least six, to be exact, that will be either naked eye- or binocular-visible. That’s still quite a few to those keeping track! The amateur astronomy community has taken heroic efforts to scientifically identify and track new comets in the last, say, 400 years. The rise of, for instance, the Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (or panSTARRS) as a method for finding and tracking both comets and near-earth asteroids (or, lumped together, “objects,” for which you might hear the abbreviation “NEOs”) has greatly increased the number of accounted-for fuzzy objects in our fields of view (and provided us a giant leap in our existential risk assessment infrastructure to boot). Quite simply, we’ve more + better eyes on the skies, meaning we’re bound to continue to find more and more comets and asteroids. You can even subscribe to NASA twitter feeds that announce the passing-by of these hopefully passers-by (see @AsteroidWatch and @NasaNEOCam).

The discovery of NEOs may or may not qualify as a modern John Henry-ism, as amateur astronomers are still discovering objects at a decent pace thanks to improvements in their own optics and imaging equipment. Comet Lovejoy, C/2014 Q2, is one such recent example discovered by famed modern comet hunter Terry Lovejoy (who has five comets to his name already).

Comet Lovejoy And More In CNY

Comet Lovejoy has made the winter sky that much more enjoyable (and below freezing cold that much more bearable) by reaching peak brightness in the vicinity of the prominent winter constellations Taurus and Orion. Visible soon after sunset and before the “really cold” temperatures set in (after 10 p.m. or so), Lovejoy has been an easy target in low-power binoculars and visible without equipment in sufficiently dark skies. Now on its way out of the inner solar system, its bright tail will shrink and its wide coma (that gives it its “fuzziness”) will disappear as the increasingly distant Sun is unable to melt Lovejoy’s surface ice. Those of us who dared the cold, clear CNY skies these past few weeks were treated to excellent views, while the internet has been flooded with remarkable images of what some have described as the most photographed comet in history (a title that will likely be taken from it when a few other comets pass us by during warmer nights this year).


The tiki lounge at Green Lakes State Park, 9 January 2014.

The first observing session around Syracuse this year happened at Green Lakes State Park on January 9th. Bob Piekiel, one of CNY’s best known and most knowledgable amateur astronomers, had his Celestron NexStar 11 in the parking lot behind the main office, which was fortunately kept open for attendees hoping to warm up between views. To Bob’s C11 was added my Zhumell 25×100’s, providing less magnification but a wider field of view to take in more of the comet’s core, tail, and nearby stars.


A very prominent Orion and arrow-ed Comet Lovejoy from the Green Lakes parking lot. Photo by Kim Titus.

The Friday night skies were only partially on our side, offering a few short-lived views of the Orion Nebula and Lovejoy. Jupiter was just bright enough to burn through some of the cloud cover to our East, giving us slightly muddled but otherwise decent views of it and its four largest satellites for about 10 minutes. By our 9 p.m. pack-up and departure, the skies were even worse – which is always a good feeling for observers (knowing they didn’t miss a chance for any additional views by packing up early).

The night of Saturday, January 10th turned into a much better night for observing, offering a good opportunity for some long-exposure images to try to capture Lovejoy just past its luminous prime. The following image was taken from one of the parking lots at Jamesville Beach – the same spot where Larry Slosberg, Dan Williams and I observed the nova in Delphinus. Light pollution aside from the 30 second exposure, the brightest constellations are clearly visible and a fuzzy, bright green star is clearly visible in the full-sized image. Click on the image below for a larger, unlabeled version of the same.


An array of Winter’s finest from Jamesville Beach, 10 January 2014, 8:00 p.m. Click on the image for a full and unlabeled version.

The imaging continued in Marcellus on January 10th, with Bob Piekiel producing a zoomed in view of Lovejoy.


An unmistakable view of Comet Lovejoy. Image by Bob Piekiel.

As with all astronomical phenomena (excluding solar viewing, of course), the best views come from the darkest places. A third Lovejoy session was had up in West Monroe, NY on Wednesday, January 14th with fellow CNYO’er Ryan Goodson at New Moon Telescopes. Putting his 27” Dob to use, the green-tinted Lovejoy was almost bright enough to tan your retina. With dark skies and no observing line, we then attacked some subtler phenomena, including the Orion Nebula in Orion, the Eskimo Nebula in Gemini, and the Hubble Variable Nebula in Monoceros. The images below are our selfie with Lovejoy and the best of Winter, a snapshot near the zenith (with Jupiter prominent), and the Northern sky (click on the images for larger, unlabeled versions).


Ryan and I pose for 30 sec, our fingers completely missing the location of Lovejoy (red arrow). Click for a larger view.


Some of Winter’s finest from NMT HQ, including a prominent Jupiter just to the west of (and about to be devoured by) the constellation Leo. Click for a larger view.


A view of NMT’s opening to the North, including Cassiopeia at left (the sideways “W”), the Big Dipper in the middle, and Jupiter at the right. Click for a larger view.

A Clothing Thought…

As we can all attest to, the nighttime temperatures this month have oscillated between bitterly cold and painfully cold. The pic of my Element’s thermometer at my midnight departure from West Monroe read -12 F (and the tire inflation warning light stayed on until I hit 81 South), yet with the exception of the tips of my toes, I wasn’t very bothered by the cold.


2015jan22_nmt_layersIt’s one of the cold realities of amateur astronomy – you never realize how cold it can get outside until you’re standing perfectly still at a metal eyepiece. The solution is as old as the sediment-grown hills – layers! The top half of my outfit for the evening is shown below, featuring six (yes, six) layers from turtleneck to final coat. My bottom half featured three layers that decorum permits me from showing here. For those wondering how the blood still flows below the belt, the answer is simple – buy yourself an outer layer two or three sizes larger than you usually wear. In my case, my outer coat’s a bit baggy and my outer pants are a very tightly-meshed pair of construction pants with a 40” waist (from a trip to DeJulio’s Army & Navy Store on Burnet Ave. in Syracuse).

And don’t worry about color coordinating. The nighttime is the right time for the fashion unconscious.

Watching The Forecast For A Green Lakes State Park Public Session This Friday/Saturday (January 9/10)

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

We are following the forecast for the first public observing session in CNY this year, courtesy of Bob Piekiel and Green Lakes State Park. At present, Saturday night looks like the better night, but we won’t make an official call until Friday afternoon (by 4:00 p.m.).

It will be cold, but it will be worth it! Some of the very best the night sky has to offer is available to us in the winter months, including the beautiful quartet of of Canis Major, Orion, Taurus, and the Pleiades. Even better, Comet Lovejoy (C/2014 Q2) is presently making it a quintet! Lovejoy is currently just off of Orion’s shield and racing towards the Pleiades over the next few days. If the sky’s dark and clear, this is a naked eye object – the first of 6 comets this year (so far!) to grace our nighttime skies. For those willing to brave their driveways but not Green Lakes, the image below from Sky & Telescope shows you where to look.


From Sky & Telescope: Finder chart for Comet Lovejoy, C/2014 Q2, during January 2015. The dates are in Universal Time; the ticks are at 0:00 UT (7:00 p.m. on the previous date Eastern Standard Time). Click here for larger, print-friendly black-on-white PDF.

Again, we’ll post an update tomorrow afternoon about Friday night being a go/no go, then will announce any possible Saturday session by 4:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. We hope you can join us!

Bob Piekiel Hosts Observing Sessions At Baltimore Woods (And More!) – 2015 Observing Schedule

This event list will be added to as the year progresses. Check back often!

I’m pleased to have obtained the official schedule for Bob Piekiel’s growing observing and lecture programs for the 2015 season and have added them to the CNYO Calendar. For those who have not had the pleasure of hearing one of his lectures, attending one of his observing sessions, or reading one of his many books on scope optics (or loading the CD containing the massive Celestron: The Early Years), Bob Piekiel is not only an excellent guide but likely the most knowledgeable equipment and operation guru in Central New York.

Notes On Baltimore Woods Sessions:

The Baltimore Woods events calendar is updated monthly. As such, I’ve no direct links to the sessions below. Therefore, as the event date nears, see the official Calendar Page for more information and any updates on the event.


* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350

Green Lakes:

* January 9 (Fri.)/10 (Sat. weather alternate), 7 – 9 p.m.

Winter skies! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.

Baltimore Woods:

* January 16 (Fri.)/17 (Sat. weather alternate), 7-9 p.m.

Winter skies at their finest. The area around the constellation Orion has some of the brightest examples of nebulae and clusters visible to us in the northern hemisphere. Also the king of the planets Jupiter will be on the rise.

Baltimore Woods:

* February 20 (Fri.)/21 (Sat. weather alternate), 7-9 p.m.

Winter skies again! The planet Jupiter will be at its finest, and we may get a glimpse of Venus low in the west.

Green Lakes:

* February 21 (Sat.)/22 (Sun. weather alternate), 1 – 3 p.m.

Solar Program! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.

Baltimore Woods:

* February 28 (Sat.)/March 1 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.

Solar Program – See the sun and all its amazing features – sunspots, flares, magnetic storms – with specially-equipped solar telescopes.

Green Lakes:

* March 7 (Sat.)/8 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.

Solar Program! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.

Baltimore Woods:

* March 13 (Fri.)/14 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.

Goodbye to winter skies, hello to spring, the planets Jupiter and Venus will be bold and bright.

* April 17 (Fri.)/18 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.

Spring skies, and the planets Jupiter, Venus, and our first look at Saturn!

* May 8 (Fri.)/9 (Sat. weather alternate) 7-10 p.m.

PLANETS! (Notice that this is a long one, set for 3 hours). This will be our best chance to see Mercury, which we get to do perhaps once or twice per year, right at sunset (come early!). Venus and Jupiter will be visible, and Saturn rises as Mercury and Venus set.

* June 12 (Fri.)/13 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10:30 p.m.

PLANETS AGAIN! In case you missed the show last month, here’s another chance to see Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in all their glory. It doesn’t even have to be completely dark to get good views.

Green Lakes:

* July 10 (Fri.)/11 (Sat. weather alternate), 8:30 – 11 p.m.

First summer program at Green Lakes. Milky way, Venus, Jupiter, & Saturn.

Baltimore Woods:

* July 17 (Fri.)/18 (Sat. weather alternate), 9-11 p.m.

No moon and dark skies give us the best views of the summer Milky Way and the richest star fields of summer. Also Saturn will be front and center.

Clark Reservation:

* July 18 (Sat.)/19 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.

Summer Solar Program

Marcellus Library:

* August 11, 6-8 p.m.

Bob hosts a Solar Viewing Session as part of a How-To Festival at Marcellus Free Library.

Baltimore Woods:

* August 12 (Wed.)/13 (Thurs. weather alternate)

The annual Perseid meteor shower. Bring a blanket or lawn chair to relax on and watch for meteors while not looking through a telescope. Also great views of the summer Milky Way, and the planet Saturn.

Green Lakes:

* August 14 (Fri.)/15 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10:30 p.m.

Summer skies and Milky Way, left-over Perseids, and Saturn.

Clark Reservation:

* August 21 (Fri.)/22 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.

Summer skies and Milky Way, plus Saturn.

Baltimore Woods:

* August 15 (Sat.)/16 (Sun. weather alternate) 1-3 p.m.

Summer Solar Program

* September 27 (Sun, no alternate!) 8-11 p.m.

This is our first lunar eclipse during evening hours in quite some time! Come out and see the moon covered by the earth’s shadow, and also farewell to the summer skies. NO BACKUP NIGHT!

* October 23 (Fri.)/24 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10 p.m.

Take a look at the moon close-up, as well as the planets Uranus and Neptune, as both are placed for ideal viewing this month. After the moon begins to set, we should be able to see some of the various star clusters and galaxies of the fall skies. We may see a few Orionid meteors, as they peak the day before.

* November 6 (Fri.)/7 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10 p.m.

Come out for a look at the planet Uranus and the fall skies, showing off their large assortment of clusters and faint galaxies. We may see a few shooting stars from the Taurid meteor shower as well.

* December 13 (Sun.)/14 (Mon. weather alternate) 7-10 p.m.

This is the night of the Geminid meteor shower, the king of meteor showers. Produced by asteroid Phaethon 3200, these meteors are visible in the early evening skies so you don’t have to wait until to pre-dawn to see a good show! Also have a look at the winter skies and the area surrounding the constellation Orion, with some of the brightest examples of clusters and nebulae visible in the northern hemisphere.

Liverpool Public Library Hosts A Course From futurelearn.com This January – In The Night Sky: Orion

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

For those too thin-skinned to brave a night of observing during one of Bob Piekiel’s wintertime Baltimore Woods sessions (that may include me as well if it gets as bad as last year), I am pleased to report that there will be at least one golden opportunity for you to don your astronomy thinking cap this coming January, courtesy of the Liverpool Public Library (LPL).

The LPL is running a lecture series featuring a four-session course from The Open University and futurelearn.com entitled In The Night Sky: Orion. I leave you to the course description below from the futurelearn.com website to learn more about the course.


As for the logistics, there are (reportedly) 13 openings still available for the LPL session that will include session one on January 6th and session four on January 27th (with sessions two and three left to you at your favorite internet connection). If interested, you can sign up for the free course at ny.evanced.info/liverpool/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=11963. I’ll post updates as I have them, else hope to see some familiar faces (or hear some familiar voices) at the first session!

NOTE: The registration is Liverpool-centric. That is, people living in Liverpool have priority in registering (so if they hit their max with Liverpool locals, you (assuming you’re not a Liverpool resident) might not get into the LPL-hosted sessions. But you can still register for the course!).

From The futurelearn.com Website

In The Night Sky: Orion

Explore the night sky, discover how stars formed and find out about exoplanets, all through the constellation of Orion.

About The Course

From the basics of astronomy and stargazing, to the science behind the birth of a star, this four week course will change the way you see the night sky. You’ll examine one of the most famous constellations, Orion, who the Ancient Greeks believed was a huntsman placed among the stars by Zeus himself.

Starting with its famous nebula where new stars and planets are being formed, you’ll take a look at the seven brightest stars that make up this constellation, including the supergiants Rigel and Betelgeuse, using high-quality images from telescopes such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

You will also investigate the Pleiades, often known as the Seven Sisters, a star cluster bright enough to be seen around the world with the naked eye. You’ll observe with your own eyes and share your observations with other learners.

You’ll find out about exoplanets, planets that orbit other stars just as we orbit the Sun and may hold the secrets to life outside of the solar system. Finally you’ll think about the Milky Way, the galaxy of which our solar system is but one small part, and consider the history of the universe from the Big Bang to the present.

From The Liverpool Public Library Event Page

Event Type: Adult Programs

Date: 1/6/2015, 1/27/2015
Start Time: 6:30 PM
End Time: 8:30 PM

Description: Introducing—Orion!

Researcher Monica Grady (namesake of Asteroid 4731 Monicagrady) will present the universe through the lens of one of the most famous constellations. Take a look at the seven brightest stars in Orion, including the supergiants Rigel and Betelgeuse, using high-quality images from outer space telescopes. Also observe the Pleiades, and learn about far-away exoplanets. Finally, think about the Milky Way, and consider the history of the universe.

We will meet at the library twice, on the first and last Tuesdays of the course, to share insights and questions about the stars. Damian G. Allis, a professor at Syracuse University and NASA Solar System Ambassador, will lecture and take questions at both meetings.

Go to https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/orion for the course description and to sign up for the online class. The course runs online for four weeks (January 5-30). You may enroll for free.

For Teens ages 15 and up and adults. No prior experience is required. You don’t need a telescope, but a pair of binoculars will be useful.

Location: Sargent Meeting Room
Presenter: Laurel Sharp
Status: Openings (13)

And, as you register at futurelearn.com, do remember to also register with LPL for the event at ny.evanced.info/liverpool/lib/eventsignup.asp?ID=11963.

A Busy Week – Comet Siding Spring On The 19th, Orionids On The 21st, Partial Solar Eclipse On The 23rd, Kopernik AstroFest On The 24th & 25th

Greetings Fellow astrophiles!

Several upcoming events of note – three of which depend on the weather, one of which is a go either way.

1. October 19th – CNYO @ Happy Valley For Comet Siding Spring

NOTE: Please contact us at info@cnyo.org, on our Contact Page, or on the Facebook Page about the event. This is event is weather-permitting and is a one-time event (no rescheduling)! Keep track of this website for updates on the 19th.

2014oct16_marscometComet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring is going to side-swipe Mars at 2:27 p.m. Eastern time at a distance 1/3 that of the Earth-Moon distance. That’s an astronomical close-call by all metrics! That’s close enough that NASA has reportedly taken steps to protect its robot fleet in Mars’ orbit.

Now, this is a rare and special event, but we’re going to miss the closest-approach by several hours (waiting for sunset at 6:15 p.m., that is, then the additional wait for the sky to get darker). The view of Mars and Siding Spring through a single eyepiece should be great, but it’s going to require a dark, dark location to see them both well. To accommodate this, Ryan Goodson will be leading a session at Happy Valley outside of Parish, NY.

Yes, THAT Happy Valley.

Odd history aside, this is a dark sky location if ever there was one in CNY. If you’ve interest in attending, we ask that you contact us via the methods listed above for directions and so we can get a head count. Mars will set around 9:00 p.m., so this session with the drive North should still get you home by 10 p.m. (Unless you decide to stick around for some additional observing).

2. Orionid Meteor Shower, Peaking The Morning Of October 21st

2014oct16_orionid_radiantThe constellation Orion is appearing earlier every evening, marking the beginning of the winter observing session (and return of some of the best objects the Night Sky has to offer the well-insulated amateur astronomer). Those staying up late (or waking up extra-early) will be treated to the first spectacle Orion has to offer in the form of the Orionids, which peak early Tuesday morning. This shower isn’t known for quantity (10 to 25/hour) but has been known for some particularly brilliant shooters. This is also a chance for those who’ve never seen Halley’s Comet to say they’ve at least seen a teeny, tiny piece of it, as this comet’s debris field is the feeder for this late-fall shower.

As with all meteor showers, dark skies = better skies. As for observing the shower itself, your best bet is to lie down with your feet pointed at Orion, then wait (patiently) as the shooters shoot over your feet and towards your head.

3. Partial Solar Eclipse, At Sunset On October 23rd

NOTE: This event is weather-permitting and can’t be rescheduled! Keep track of this website for updates on the 23rd.

We had a limited glimpse of the recent total lunar eclipse just a few weeks ago, now have a chance to see the tables turned in the form of a partial solar eclipse. This will be a small clipping of the Sun by the New Moon and will happen VERY close to sunset – close enough that we’ll miss most of the eclipse when the Sun sets below the Western horizon. Because of that, we’re still looking for an observing location that’s up high and with a low horizon. Our plan right now is to meet at the parking lot next to the Onondaga Lake Inner Harbor Amphitheater (where we ran our first-ever CNYO session) but we’re also considering the southern end of the Onondaga Lake Parkway. We will make final decision in the next few days.


We’ll have about 25 minutes (5:44 to 6:09) of partial solar eclipse if the skies hold and the horizon’s low. More details (like location) to follow as we finalize event details.

4. Kopernik AstroFest 2014, October 24th & 25th

Our friends (and, for some of us, fellow members) of the Kopernik Astronomical Society are getting ready to host their annual AstroFest, always one of the very best events of its kind in New York. Having already posted the official announcement on cnyo.org, I’ll leave you to the Kopernik AstroFest website to learn more about the Friday/Saturday festivities. Several of us are still planning on attending both days of the event and are willing to carpool down. Please drop a line to info@cnyo.org or our Facebook Page for arrangements.