Tag Archives: Saturn

“Upstate NY Stargazing In October” Article Posted To newyorkupstate.com And syracuse.com

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

The latest article in the series, “Upstate NY stargazing in October: Prominent constellations of summer and winter visible on Autumn nights,” has just been posted to newyorkupstate.com and syracuse.com. This month, we look for globular clusters in Hercules, and follow the recent progress of Mars, Saturn, and Venus – all while getting early sights of the very best of winter – Orion, Taurus, and the Pleiades.

Direct Link: newyorkupstate.com/outdoors/2016/10/…nights_offer_some_of_the_best.html

Direct Link: http://www.syracuse.com/outdoors/index.ssf/…nights_offer_some_of_the_best.html


Caption: This photo, taken by a stationary camera at Mount Megantic National Park in Quebec, captured a fireball that shot over Montreal Wednesday night. The “bolide,” a rock entering Earth’s atmosphere, was seen across the Northeast. The Summer Triangle is shown as a red overlay. (ASTROLab du parc national du Mont-Megantic)

This article also marks the third official mention of our upcoming MOST/TACNY/CNYO hosting of International Observe The Moon Night on Saturday, October 8th. Additional details to follow, but expect the observing to happen somewhere around The MOST itself.

We’ll update the website and social media as we get a better idea on what the weather is supposed to do Saturday night (else we stay inside The MOST the entire time).

Session Announcements: Bob Piekiel’s Summer 2016 Observing Schedule (With Event Links)

UPDATE: Saturday, July 9th, 5:00 p.m. – There’s supposed to be an open pocket of clear sky tonight, so Bob is going ahead with the Clark Reservation session. As a bit of advanced warning, Bob was informed late yesterday that Clark Res may be charging a $5 admission fee to the park for the event (due to the +75 people we had last year).

UPDATE: Friday, July 8th, 4:00 p.m. – Tonight’s Clark Reservation session has been rescheduled to tomorrow (Saturday, July 9th) due to cloud cover. Update to follow Saturday afternoon.

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

In the interest of a little more advanced notice for scheduled events, this page is meant to help you get your own schedules synchronized with upcoming nighttime and solar sessions hosted by Bob Piekiel (with his fellow CNYO’ers serving as wing-observers). Pending additional announcements, the list below fills out his Summer Roster (now with meetup.com and Facebook Events included).


The attending crowd at last summer’s Clark Reservation session.

For the record, seven sessions in two months counts as a whole lot of fantastic CNY astronomy outreach!

July 8/9 – Bob Piekiel @ Clark Reservation, 8:00 – 10:30 p.m.

* Free and open to the public
* nysparks.com/events/event.aspx?e=126-16053.0
* facebook | meetup.com

Planets, stars, and a crescent moon! The summer skies are at their finest, when we can look directly into the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and see it’s many rich star clusters and nebulae. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be visible. We might even get a peek at Mercury.

July 22/23 – Bob Piekiel @ Baltimore Woods, 9:00 – 11:00 p.m.

* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350
* facebook | meetup.com

Summer skies at their finest, with the many rich star clusters and nebulae visible in the direction of the heart of our Milky Way galaxy. Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be visible.

July 29/30 – Bob Piekiel @ Green Lakes, 8:00 – 10:30 p.m.

* Free and open to the public
* facebook | meetup.com

The summer skies are at their finest, when we can look directly into the center of the Milky Way galaxy, and see it’s many rich star clusters and nebulae. The Delta Aquarids meteor shower peaks that night, and Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mars will be visible. We might even get a peek at Mercury.

August 12/13 – Bob Piekiel @ Baltimore Woods, 8:30 – 11:00 p.m.

* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350
* facebook | meetup.com

The annual persied meteor shower, one of the year’s finest. Bring a blanket or lawn chair to recline on while not looking through a telescope. Great views of the summer Milky way, with the planets Mars Jupiter, Venus and Saturn visible.

August 13/14 – Bob Piekiel @ Clark Reservation, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

* Free and open to the public
* facebook | meetup.com

Solar program! Using special telescopes, come and see solar flares, prominences, sunspots, and magnetic storms on our nearest star, the Sun!

August 26/27 – Bob Piekiel @ Green Lakes, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m.

* Free and open to the public
* facebook | meetup.com

Summer skies again, Plus a stunning conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in the west on those nights, and Mars and Saturn also.

August 27/28 – Bob Piekiel @ Baltimore Woods, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.

* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350
* facebook | meetup.com

SOLAR VIEWING PROGRAM. Using special telescopes, come and see solar flares, prominences, sunspots, and magnetic storms on our nearest star, the sun!

TONIGHT (Friday, June 17th, 9 – 11 p.m.) – Larry’s Hosting A Sidewalk Session At Peter’s Polar Parlor

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This just in from Larry Slosberg on the Facebook Group Page (and meetup.com Event):


Trying to decide what to do on a Friday night? Well, let me suggest Ice Cream and Moonlight (and Jupiter, Saturn and Mars).

Tonight, starting at 9pm, the CNYO will be at Peter’s Polar Parlor on Milton Ave in Solvay. Showing, to anyone interested, the Moon, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn.

All are welcome, no purchase necessary (but oh so yummy) and the views through the telescope are, as always, free for all.

Where: Peter’s Polar Parlor, 3345 Milton Avenue, Syracuse, NY
When: Friday, June 17th, 9pm to 11pm

Bob Piekiel Hosts His Monthly Observing Session At Baltimore Woods, Friday – 10 June 2016

Greetings fellow astrophiles!


Prime planets! The view at 10:00 p.m., Friday, June 10th.

A quick reminder that Bob Piekiel’s monthly observing session at Baltimore Woods is on for tomorrow night from 9 to 11 p.m.

A Note About Baltimore Woods

Part of Baltimore Woods’ support for their facility and programs comes from event fees – take in some keen sights and keep the place going at the same time!

* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350

TONIGHT! 12 May 2016 – Sidewalk Astronomy Night With Larry Slosberg At The Fairmount Wegmans Parking Lot, 8:30 – 10:30 p.m.

A snapshot of the assembled crowd, courtesy of Michelle Slosberg (click for a larger view):


Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This just in from CNY sidewalk astronomer extraordinaire Larry Slosberg.

To pre-register (just for the early head count!) – Facebook EventMeetup Event

Click above to make directions to the Fairmount Wegmans.

13177634_10208681756937167_5369930919488031320_nTonight, Thursday May 12th, I am going to be hosting another “sidewalk astronomy” night at the Fairmount Wegmans parking lot. I had a great response to the last one I did, and I know that there were many people that wanted to come but couldn’t, so here I go again.

Provided the skies stay reasonably clear, I will be setting up my telescope in the Fairmount Wegmans parking lot from about 8:30 to 10:30 (Check here at about 7:30pm to see if I have to cancel due to cloud cover). Tonight, we will be viewing Jupiter and the Moon (nearly first quarter). And maybe even Mars and/or Saturn for those who can stay later (Mars rises at 9:15 and Saturn at 9:50).

This is free for everyone. All are welcome! I never charge for my Sidewalk astronomy events because I want as many people to get the chance to look up at the night sky through a telescope as possible.

This is a CNY Observers event. We are a group of local amateur astronomers who like to get out and share the night sky with everyone!