Greetings fellow astrophiles!

11. – A relative newcomer in the world of premium Dobsonian reflectors. New Moon Telescopes exhibited several of its finely crafted wooden scopes that feature a one-piece collapsible truss section, such as the one seen in this picture with company owner Ryan Goodson.
From a post by local astrophotographer John Giroux to the CNYO Facebook Page: New Moon Telescopes (NMT, and Ryan Goodson had an excellent first showing at this past April’s Northeast Astronomy Forum (NEAF 2013). The company, his unique collapsible-truss design, and a guest appearance by Kopernik’s Fibber Magee (in the background) are highlighted in Panel 11 of Sky & Telescope’s NEAF round-up in its August, 2013 issue. Click on the image below for a full-sized version:

And a few other photos from the NMT NEAF booth are shown below. Well done, Ryan (and Heather Goodson)!

The occupied booth.

Deciding how to get to the eyepiece.
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