New NEAF Announcement – Cosmos, Pluto, Webb & More! – April 12-13, 2014

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

NEAF – The Northeast Astronomy Forum (& Telescope Show) – a.k.a. THE all-in-one amateur astronomy event for those of us in the Northeast – is soon approaching. To the ever-entertaining collection of solar observers, educational talks, and equipment (let’s not forget!) has been added three great headliners composed of Neil deGrasse Tyson (‘Cosmos‘ and everywhere else), Alan Stern (on the New Horizons mission to now-demoted Pluto) and Matt Greenhouse (on the James Webb Space Telescope). Of the three, I have to admit that I’m most interested in hearing about the state of the James Webb, our successor to the great Hubble Telescope. Consider everything that the Hubble has done for astronomy in the last 24 years (desktop images aside), then think of what the James Webb will do with 7 times the light collecting power (plus all the other bells and whistles developed over the last two decades)!

And (provided the sky holds) don’t forget to pay Barlow Bob a visit during the NEAF Solar Star Party!

New announcement flyer below (click to go to the NEAF website). At least a few CNYO members are guaranteed to be in attendance!


3 Thoughts on “New NEAF Announcement – Cosmos, Pluto, Webb & More! – April 12-13, 2014

  1. Pingback: Astronomy Equipment | Astronomy News

  2. David W. Wormuth on April 4, 2014 at 9:40 pm said:

    Anyone going to NEAIC on Thursday and Friday? I plan to attend.

  3. Ryan will be heading down on Friday to get his booth ready for the NEAF festivities. I’ll be heading down early Saturday morning and am staying over through Sunday. Patrick Manley with Kopernik (@kreegan99) has already started getting head counts and info using the #NEAFPosse hashtag in twitter (a good hang with some southern CNY astronomers).

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