I’m pleased to have obtained the official schedule for Bob Piekiel’s growing observing and lecture programs for the 2015 season and have added them to the CNYO Calendar. For those who have not had the pleasure of hearing one of his lectures, attending one of his observing sessions, or reading one of his many books on scope optics (or loading the CD containing the massive Celestron: The Early Years), Bob Piekiel is not only an excellent guide but likely the most knowledgeable equipment and operation guru in Central New York.
Notes On Baltimore Woods Sessions:
The Baltimore Woods events calendar is updated monthly. As such, I’ve no direct links to the sessions below. Therefore, as the event date nears, see the official Calendar Page for more information and any updates on the event.
* Registration for these events are required. Low registration may cause programs to be canceled.
* $5 for members, $15/family; $8 for nonmembers, $25/family.
* To Register By Email: info@baltimorewoods.org
* To Register By Phone: (315) 673-1350
Green Lakes:
* January 9 (Fri.)/10 (Sat. weather alternate), 7 – 9 p.m.
Winter skies! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.
Baltimore Woods:
* January 16 (Fri.)/17 (Sat. weather alternate), 7-9 p.m.
Winter skies at their finest. The area around the constellation Orion has some of the brightest examples of nebulae and clusters visible to us in the northern hemisphere. Also the king of the planets Jupiter will be on the rise.
Baltimore Woods:
* February 20 (Fri.)/21 (Sat. weather alternate), 7-9 p.m.
Winter skies again! The planet Jupiter will be at its finest, and we may get a glimpse of Venus low in the west.
Green Lakes:
* February 21 (Sat.)/22 (Sun. weather alternate), 1 – 3 p.m.
Solar Program! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.
Baltimore Woods:
* February 28 (Sat.)/March 1 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.
Solar Program – See the sun and all its amazing features – sunspots, flares, magnetic storms – with specially-equipped solar telescopes.
Green Lakes:
* March 7 (Sat.)/8 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.
Solar Program! Session held in the parking lot behind the office. See the Green Lakes website for directions.
Baltimore Woods:
* March 13 (Fri.)/14 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.
Goodbye to winter skies, hello to spring, the planets Jupiter and Venus will be bold and bright.
* April 17 (Fri.)/18 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.
Spring skies, and the planets Jupiter, Venus, and our first look at Saturn!
* May 8 (Fri.)/9 (Sat. weather alternate) 7-10 p.m.
PLANETS! (Notice that this is a long one, set for 3 hours). This will be our best chance to see Mercury, which we get to do perhaps once or twice per year, right at sunset (come early!). Venus and Jupiter will be visible, and Saturn rises as Mercury and Venus set.
* June 12 (Fri.)/13 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10:30 p.m.
PLANETS AGAIN! In case you missed the show last month, here’s another chance to see Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn in all their glory. It doesn’t even have to be completely dark to get good views.
Green Lakes:
* July 10 (Fri.)/11 (Sat. weather alternate), 8:30 – 11 p.m.
First summer program at Green Lakes. Milky way, Venus, Jupiter, & Saturn.
Baltimore Woods:
* July 17 (Fri.)/18 (Sat. weather alternate), 9-11 p.m.
No moon and dark skies give us the best views of the summer Milky Way and the richest star fields of summer. Also Saturn will be front and center.
Clark Reservation:
* July 18 (Sat.)/19 (Sun. weather alternate), 1-3 p.m.
Summer Solar Program
Marcellus Library:
* August 11, 6-8 p.m.
Bob hosts a Solar Viewing Session as part of a How-To Festival at Marcellus Free Library.
Baltimore Woods:
* August 12 (Wed.)/13 (Thurs. weather alternate)
The annual Perseid meteor shower. Bring a blanket or lawn chair to relax on and watch for meteors while not looking through a telescope. Also great views of the summer Milky Way, and the planet Saturn.
Green Lakes:
* August 14 (Fri.)/15 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10:30 p.m.
Summer skies and Milky Way, left-over Perseids, and Saturn.
Clark Reservation:
* August 21 (Fri.)/22 (Sat. weather alternate), 8-10 p.m.
Summer skies and Milky Way, plus Saturn.
Baltimore Woods:
* August 15 (Sat.)/16 (Sun. weather alternate) 1-3 p.m.
Summer Solar Program
* September 27 (Sun, no alternate!) 8-11 p.m.
This is our first lunar eclipse during evening hours in quite some time! Come out and see the moon covered by the earth’s shadow, and also farewell to the summer skies. NO BACKUP NIGHT!
* October 23 (Fri.)/24 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10 p.m.
Take a look at the moon close-up, as well as the planets Uranus and Neptune, as both are placed for ideal viewing this month. After the moon begins to set, we should be able to see some of the various star clusters and galaxies of the fall skies. We may see a few Orionid meteors, as they peak the day before.
* November 6 (Fri.)/7 (Sat. weather alternate) 8-10 p.m.
Come out for a look at the planet Uranus and the fall skies, showing off their large assortment of clusters and faint galaxies. We may see a few shooting stars from the Taurid meteor shower as well.
* December 13 (Sun.)/14 (Mon. weather alternate) 7-10 p.m.
This is the night of the Geminid meteor shower, the king of meteor showers. Produced by asteroid Phaethon 3200, these meteors are visible in the early evening skies so you don’t have to wait until to pre-dawn to see a good show! Also have a look at the winter skies and the area surrounding the constellation Orion, with some of the brightest examples of clusters and nebulae visible in the northern hemisphere.
Pingback: Watching The Forecast For A Green Lakes State Park Public Session This Friday/Saturday (January 9/10) | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: Bob Piekiel Lectures On Solar Telescopes For Mohawk Valley Astronomical Society, 11 February 2015 | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: CNYO Observers Log: Green Lakes State Park Solar Session (7 March 2015) and Monthly Baltimore Woods Session (13 March 2015) | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: A Few Quick Updates – MVAS Banquet (April 11), Baltimore Woods (April 17), NEAF Weekend (April 18/19), And Beaver Lake (April 23)! | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: CNYO Observing Log: “Stars And S’mores” At Green Lakes State Park, 10 July 2015 | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: CNYO Observing Log: Clark Reservation State Park, 21 August 2015 | CNY Observers & Observing
Pingback: Prepping For International Observe The Moon Night (Sept. 19) And A Total Lunar Eclipse (Sept. 27) | CNY Observers & Observing