Greetings, fellow astrophiles!
From the Classifieds Department – I was just contacted by Leonard LoParco in Groton (google map), whose looking to sell his Meade DS-10 for $300 o.b.o. The DS-10 is a 10″ Newtonian Reflector with a motor drive attached. Additional details and links below.
For interested parties with questions, feel free to contact him directly at (607) 898-5759.
Meade Telescope, Model DS-10
10″ Newtonian Reflector With Motor DriveFor some info about the DS-10, see the following links:
* with 2 eyepieces:
* Brandon 8 mm EFL Vernonscope (info link 1 | info link 2)
* Celestron 25 mm Ortho 1.25″ Fully-Coated
Is this telescope still available?
Greetings! Truth be told, my only contact with Joe was through a phone call and text’ed pictures (and now about 18 months ago). You’ll have to give him a call at the 607 number above.