Greetings, fellow astrophiles!
This in from the AAVSO (American Association of Variable Star Observers, – for those not familiar with the organization itself, some may remember Mike Simonsen’s great AAVSO Writer’s Bureau, which provided many, many great reads to amateur astronomy club newsletters).
Sadly, this is being posted after the first webinar on the 22nd – but there are several upcoming for your consideration.

Dear friends,
We hope you are enjoying our FREE Observing Sections’ Webinar Series, discussing citizen astronomy with the AAVSO! With so much going on, we wanted to send a friendly reminder about our upcoming August webinars, and invite you to register for our September webinars, below:
Spectroscopy (Aug. 22nd –REGISTER HERE)
– Introduction to Spectroscopy – Tom Field
– Science cases and AVSpec – Stella Kafka
– Amateur Spectroscopy Projects – Percy Jacobs
– Astronomical Spectra with a Dob – Lauren Herrington
– LowSpec 3D printed spectrometer: Solar and other spectra – Tim Stone
– Q & A
Young Stellar Objects (Aug. 29th –REGISTER HERE)
Tentative schedule with panelists Mike Poxon and Bill Herbst:
– Star Formation
– Specific YSOs
– Astrophysics
– Observing Them
– Q & A
Solar Observing (Sept. 5th –REGISTER HERE)Cataclysmic Variables (Sept. 12th –REGISTER HERE)
Instrumentation & Equipment I: The Tools of the Trade (Sept. 19th –REGISTER HERE)
Instrumentation & Equipment II: Focus on CMOS Cameras Sept. 26th –REGISTER HERE)
More on our 2020 webinar series can be found here. This series of webinars is open to you all: AAVSO members, observers, and those not yet familiar with AAVSO. Whether you are a new observer exploring variable types, or a seasoned observer branching out, each webinar is a great opportunity for you all to expand your knowledge, connect with one another, and deepen and grow your communities. Please also share this experience with your friends and colleagues.
Best wishes – clear skies,
Stella Kafka
AAVSO Director