Category Archives: Most

Sweet Science Series – Moon Madness: A Summer of Science Social for All Ages!

Thursday, 2 August 2018, 2:00 – 6:00 p.m.

Milton J Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology – Syracuse, NY

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As part of the MOST’s Moon Madness Summer of Science Social on Thursday, August 2nd from 2:00-6:00 pm, please visit the TACNY Sweet Science Tent to explore ideas and experiments with Dr. Jayeshkuman Das, whose 2016 research analyzed lunar material gathered from the Apollo 17 mission. The family friendly social will also feature booths with interactive moon activities, LIVE lunar crater demonstrations, solar viewing equipment, and other festivities for all ages.

People interested in learning more about the moon are invited to attend the free Sweet Science Series presentation on Thursday, August 2nd, from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. outside of the Museum of Science & Technology on the east lawn. Admission is free and open to the public.

About The Speaker

Dr. Jayesh Das received his PhD from Physical Research Laboratory, India. During his PhD studies, using samples from lunar, Martian and primitive meteorites, Dr. Das investigated early stages of solar system evolution and planet formation. At Washington University in St. Louis and the McDonnell Center for Space Sciences, Dr. Das continued his research as a post-doctoral researcher. In 2012, Dr. Das moved to Syracuse University to work with the New York Center for Astrobiology. Dr. Das collaborated with other researchers of the center to understand the evolution of the Moon, and analyzed samples that were collected by Apollo 17 crew members. Very recently, Dr. Das joined EAG laboratories and is involved in developing new test methods for devices used in a range of applications including space missions and medical implants.

About The MOST

The Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology (MOST) is a hands-on science and technology museum for all ages. The MOST hosts numerous STEM education programs and community outreach events annually and is home to 35,000 square feet of interactive exhibits, Silverman Planetarium, and Bristol IMAX® Omnitheater – the only domed IMAX theater in New York State. The MOST’s vision is to be a preeminent science and technology center, inspiring all generations through hands-on education and entertainment.

About Sweet Science Series

TACNY John Edson Sweet Lectures, a program founded in 1913, is now called the Sweet Science Series and features discussions about topics in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in an informal atmosphere for adults of all levels of technical understanding. A minimum of six free and open to the public presentations are held each year.

Technology Alliance of Central New York

Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit

Summerwood Pediatrics Presents: “Be The Astronomer” At The MOST, 30 June 2018

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

A great event happening at The MOST at the end of the month from noon to 4:00 p.m.:

Be the Scientist” Saturdays allow visitors to learn, engage, and explore the activities of a different type of scientist each month. Visitors receive an explorer card to track progress through the program’s three steps: Learn, Engage, Explore. Step 1 (Learn) features a tabling exercise teaching the basic principles of the monthly scientist’s discipline. Visitors move to a different location for Step 2 (Engage), which features a tabling exercise including hands-on interaction in an activity the scientist might undertake in real life. Finally, visitors encounter Step 3 (Explore), which is an exploration of a MOST exhibit relating to the work of the monthly scientist. Make your way through each step successfully and have your explorer card punched to mark your completion. Complete 12 sessions to earn your special mystery prize! All are welcome to participate! Most suitable for children ages 6 and up.

June 30 – Be the Astronomer
July 28 – Be the Marine Biologist
August 25 – Be the Geologist
September 29 – Be the Nutritionist (Food & Exercise)

With luck, the touring Hubble exhibit will be available at the same time:

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope: New Views of the Universe is a 2,200 square-foot exhibit that immerses visitors in the magnificence and mystery of the Hubble mission and introduces the James Webb Space Telescope, which will be NASA’s premier observatory. The exhibit features a scale model of the Hubble Space Telescope as well as several “satellite” units that provide viewers with a hands-on experience with the same technology that allows Hubble to gaze at distant galaxies, and feature Hubble’s contributions to the exploration of planets, stars, galaxies and the universe.

CNY Rocket Team Challenge Volunteers Needed! – 2 June 2018

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This in from the TACNY list –

The MOST’s CNY Rocket Team Challenge (additional link) is approaching quickly, and we need your help! Volunteers are needed on Saturday, June 2, 2018 from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM for a variety of roles during this annual event held at SU’s Skytop Field. Volunteers will be provided with lunch on the day of the event, as well as the opportunity to inspire the next generation of rocket scientists! For more information about the event, please visit the Rocket Team Challenge page.

Contact Emily Stewart ( with your name and affiliation (employer, university, etc.), to request a list of volunteer roles, as well as to list role preference(s), no later than Monday, May 28.

As always, we are so grateful for the time and energy that you donate to the MOST and its outreach programs. These events couldn’t happen without you!


Emily & the 2018 CNY Rocket Team Challenge Organizing Committee


Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit

The MOST Offers FREE Summer Camp! Spots Limited!

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This in from the TACNY email list about a great summer opportunity at The MOST for students starting 9th grade this fall.

Students graduating 8th grade can learn about
environmental science by conducting field experiments

If you have a child who’s entering ninth grade in the fall, The MOST has the perfect camp to keep them thinking this summer: Honeywell Summer Science Week.

Students spend July 10-14 out in the field conducting real scientific research as they learn about factors that stress the Onondaga Lake watershed. They also learn what Honeywell has done to clean up the lake, which was once considered the most polluted lake in the country. Then students come back for a day July 19 to discuss their research and present what they learned.

Best of all, thanks to the generous sponsorship from Honeywell, the camp is FREE to participants!

To apply for Honeywell Summer Science Week, contact Michael Amadori or Peter Plumley as soon as possible. There are only 15 spaces left!

Technology Alliance of Central New York

Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.

For more information about TACNY, visit and their Facebook page.

MOST February Break Week Day Camp, 20 – 24 February 2017

Greetings, fellow astrophiles!

This in from the TACNY listserve.

The Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science & Technology has answered parental demand by offering its first February break day camp, called Expedition MOST ( Children ages 6 to 12 can spend their vacation learning about everything from nanotechnology to the vast universe.

Every day, museum educators will help campers explore a different STEM topic by taking an expedition to a different part of the MOST. Their day will be filled with games, science experiments, and even explosions.

The camp runs 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 20 to 24, 2017. The MOST will provide a healthy morning snack, but campers must bring a lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated or microwaved.

The camp costs $250 for MOST members and $280 for nonmembers, but additional children from the same family are half price. The registration deadline is Feb. 10 and space is limited, so interested parents should sign up soon.

You can register online at the MOST’s website. You can download a letter for parents and the registration packet at the site. Return the registration materials with a $50 deposit by Feb. 10 to keep a space for your child. The balance of the fee is due before the start of camp.

For more information, contact Cynthia Waibel via email at or phone at 315-425-9068, extension 2141.

And from the MOST website (as of 10 January 2017):

Expedition MOST: A Journey Through Science

Spend your February break learning about everything from nanotechnology to the vast universe with our weeklong day camp, Expedition MOST. Every day, we will explore a different STEM topic by taking an expedition to a different part of the museum. Your day will be filled with games, science experiments, and even explosions! Sign up today!

The details:

* Runs 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 20-24, 2017
* Includes a healthy morning snack, but campers must bring a lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated
* Designed for children ages 6 to 12
* Minimum of 10, maximum of 20 campers
* Cost is $250 for MOST members, $280 for nonmembers
* Siblings are half price!
* Registration closes Feb. 10

Download a letter for parents and the registration packet, and return the registration materials by Feb. 10 to keep a space for your child. A $50 deposit is due when you reserve a spot, and the balance is due before the start of camp.

You can sign up for Expedition MOST online or by contacting Cynthia Waibel via email or phone at 315-425-9068 x2141.


Founded in 1903 as the Technology Club of Syracuse, the nonprofit Technology Alliance of Central New York’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology; and to collaborate with like-minded organizations across Central New York.