Greetings, fellow astrophiles!
The IOMN organizers have sent off their first quarterly newsletter for 2020 (reproduced below), including the announcement of the IOMN scheduling for 26 September 2020.
You can download a summary PDF at: INOMN_One_Pager_2019-2020.pdf
Thank you for a RECORD BREAKING 2019!
We are pleased to report that International Observe the Moon Night 2019 broke all previous participation records. We had 1,892 public and private events in 102 countries! There were over 650 events in the United States, which included all 50 states, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. We estimate that over 255,000 people attended International Observe the Moon Night events!
It is thanks to hosts and participants like YOU that we had such a record breaking year. Thanks for being a part of this global, lunar enthusiast community.
Learn more about the 2019 event.

Save the Date: September 26, 2020
Save the Date postcards for International Observe the Moon Night 2020 are now available. We are hard at work translating the postcard into additional languages, so be sure to check the website periodically.

Learn more about NASA’s Moon to Mars program, how we are working to push the boundaries of science and exploration, and return astronauts to the Moon with the Artemis program. Click on the image above to learn how technicians and engineers are planning to use 3D printed materials to help send cargo to the Moon’s atmosphere with NASA’s Space Launch System.

Join the Conversation
International Observe the Moon Night is a wonderful chance to connect with Moon fans around the world. Learn updates and connect to fellow lunar enthusiasts around the world by following @NASAMoon on Twitter, visiting the International Observe the Moon Night Facebook page, and catching up on event photos on the 2019 International Observe the Moon Night group on Flickr.