Tag Archives: Sunspots

CNYO Observers Log: MOST Climate Day And North Sportsman’s Club Practice Session, 19 April 2014

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

The Saturday after NEAF was a busy one for CNYO members, including a lecture and observing session for the MOST Climate Day during the afternoon and a nighttime “dry run” for the North Sportman’s Club Public Viewing Sessions we’re on the verge of hosting for the rest of the year.

The morning started with a hectic rearrangement of speakers for the TACNY Jr. Cafe session, with Prof. Peter Plumley (MOST, Syracuse University) and Prof. Timothy Volk (SUNY-ESF) admirably filling in for a missing speaker (and the crowd requests for future topics were heavy in astronomy!). And speaking of Jr. Cafe astronomy, we note the May 17th lecture features CNYO’s own Ryan Goodson speaking on Newtonian Telescopes (with a solar session to follow if the skies hold)!

The indoor part of CNYO’s contribution to the MOST Climate Day featured myself and a lecture about the Sun/Earth relationship. While that lecture was given to only 2.5 people (one person left half-way), a 50 minute talk extended to 90 minutes thanks to some excellent discussions and deeper probing of some of the slide content.


Larry and observers on the Creekwalk. Click for a larger view.

Outside, Larry Slosberg hit the public observing jackpot with his 12″ Baader-ized New Moon Telescope Dob and NASA Night Sky Network Solar Kit. Between the MOST crowd, Record Store Day at Sound Garden, and a Creekwalk made busy by the clear skies and comfortable temperatures, Larry counted over a few dozen new observers before I even made it outside. To Larry’s solar collection I added a Coronado PST for some excellent H-alpha views of sunspots and several prominences that changed significantly over the course of an hour (which was made all the more impressive to passers-by when you mention that these changes could be measured in units of “Earths” instead of miles).


An intrepid observer at the Coronado PST. Click for a larger view.

Larry and I packed up around 4:00 p.m. after giving nearly 40 people a unique view of our nearest star, providing a three-hour window before heading off to North Sportsman’s Club (NSC) for an evening session.


Some of the NSC crew setting up. Click for a larger view.

We also used April 19th as a reintroduction to the skies above the NSC, with this session opened up to a short-list of people with scopes interested in helping reduce the lengths of observing lines at future public sessions (and we welcome others interested in bringing their scopes to these sessions to please contact us using our online form or by emailing us at info@cnyo.org).


The Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and surroundings. Click for a larger view.

The total in attendance was between 10 and 12 over the two hours I was present (and the event continued for some time after), with about half as many scopes present (which is a great number for even large public viewing sessions). Despite it becoming a very cold evening, the combined observing list was extensive from among all parties, with New Moon Telescope’s 27″ Dob making many views extra memorable.


The view to the Southwest (featuring a bright Jupiter near center). Click for a larger view.

We are planning our first public session for 2014 in late May, perhaps to coincide with the predicted meteor super-storm on the early morning of May 24th. Keep track of cnyo.org or our Facebook group page for details!

CNYO Observing Log: Baltimore Woods Solar Session, 22 February 2014

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

After a rather unimpressive nighttime session the night before (because of cloud cover, that it), Bob Piekiel’s Saturday afternoon Solar Session at Baltimore Woods most definitely impressed the +20 attending observers. Bob brought the proverbial “kitchen sink” of personal solar equipment, including a Coronado SolarMax 90 CaK Solar Telescope, a SolarMax II 90 H-alpha Telescope, and a small refractor with a clip-on Baader filter.


Observers around the Coronado scopes. Click for a larger view.

As discussed in the CNYO brochure A Guide For Solar Observing, we have to use filters to observe the Sun safely. Anyone who’s looked directly at the Sun can attest to the fact that it is very difficult on the eyes (and unless you need to sneeze, why would you do that anyway?). Under magnification, this major discomfort turns into instant and permanent damage to your retina as that very bright light is concentrated in the optics into a sharp beam of considerable burning power. A video of Bob demonstrating this at the previous Solar Observing Session in August is included below.

The three scopes make the Sun observable either by reflecting nearly all of the light (Baader) or by only letting a small amount of a very specific (or narrow) wavelength in (CaK, H-alpha). The views you get through the three different filters are shown below.


The Sun in Baader, CaK, and H-alpha filters.

Baader – knocks down the Sun’s brightness by +99.99% across all wavelengths, making it excellent for looking at Sunspots (which are slightly darker than the rest of the surface normally, so dimming the brightness uniformly reveals them as dark spots).

CaK – lets through a very specific line in the calcium spectrum. You only observe the light from the relatively few calcium ions in the Sun’s atmosphere, providing you excellent surface detail (much more than the Baader filters do, but at the cost of less definition in the sunspot features because of all of the additional detail).

H-alpha – lets through a very specific line in the spectrum of the most abundant element in the Sun – Hydrogen. These filters provide surface detail, but are prized more for their ability to observe prominences along the Sun’s edge.

The views on this very clear day were all excellent despite the wind gusts that scattered the Sun blocks around. In the downtime between attendees, I managed to capture two images with my iPhone. The first (less interesting) one is of a prominence in the bottom of the eyepiece in a very over-exposed image:


The Sun in H-alpha through a Coronado with an iPhone. Click for a larger view.

The second one is much more interesting. The image of the Sun through the CaK filter is a rich aqua blue. Something about either the glass or the detector in the iPhone produced the light pink/purple image below, which shows all of the detail one might observe in the Baader filter (but missing any additional surface detail that the CaK filter provides to someone observing without a smartphone).


The Sun in CaK through a Coronado with an iPhone (better). Click for a larger view.

If you’ve not had the chance to observe our closest star in detail, consider attending a future solar session!

CNYO Brochure – A Guide For Solar Observing

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

In preparation for upcoming 2013 lecture and observing sessions, we have put together instructional brochures to help introduce the Night Sky to attendees. The third of these, entitled “A Guide For Solar Observing,” addresses our solar observing sessions and is provided below in PDF format. This brochure will be available at our combined lecture/observing sessions, but feel free to bring your own paper copy (or the PDF on a tablet – but have red acetate ready!).

Download: A Guide For Solar Observing (v6)

NOTE: These brochures are made better by your input. If you find a problem, have a question, or have a suggestion (bearing in mind these are being kept to one two-sided piece of paper), please contact CNYO at info@cnyo.org.

NOTE 2: We’d like to thank the great solar photographer Alfred Tan for the use of his solar image in this brochure. For a regular feed of his stellar (pun intended) solar views from Singapore, we encourage you to subscribe to his twitter feed at: twitter.com/yltansg.



A Guide For Solar Observing

Solar Safety: Read Me First!

“NEVER Look At The Sun Through ANY Eyepiece Without Protection!”

Pre-Observing Observing Tips

“The Sun is a blindingly bright object all by itself – and your observing session has you constantly looking in its direction!”

Sun Cross Section – 697,000 km Radius

“Radiative Zone: 348,000 km thick, energy from the core is passed through as photons (light) – thousands of years for light to pass through it from the core!”

The Solar System To Scale

“The solar diameter in “planets” is listed.”

More Information About The Sun

“The Sun is the reason why we’re here!”

And Just Why Is The Sky Blue?

“At sunrise and sunset, most of the blue light has been scattered by air molecules, so more of the Sun’s longer wavelength light (red and orange) makes it to our eyes (“R”).”

What You’ll Observe On The Sun

“The savvy (or lucky) observer may see a plane (1), a satellite, a planet (“transit” of Venus (2) or Mercury), or the International Space Station (3).”

About The Sun (History & Future)

“The Sun is a spectral type G2V star in the Orion Arm (Orion Spur) of the Milky Way, some 25,000 light years from the Milky Way’s center and, on average, 8 light minutes away from Earth.”

What You’ll See Through Solar Filters

“All other filters work by picking out a single wavelength (shade of one color) from the entire visible spectrum (ROYGBIV – red, orange, etc.), allowing only that color to pass through to your eye.”

Tenth Annual NEAF Solar Star Party (NSSP) Announcement – Direct From Barlow Bob

Greetings fellow astrophiles!

2013february24_nssp_bbdgaEast Coast amateur astronomers have been gearing up for NEAF all Winter long (see our original announcement HERE). One of the special extra NEAF events, now in its 10th year, is the NEAF Solar Star Party (NSSP), featuring several solar-safe scopes, many well-versed solar observers, and hopefully an active solar surface as we approach solarmax.

The host of the NSSP is none other than Barlow Bob (the brightly lit one pictured at right with the author at NEAF 2011), a solar-centric observer who has graced several CNY locations in the past few years both with truly remarkable views of our nearest star and his great knowledge of optics, light properties, and the Sun itself. Provided the skies are at all reasonable, you can be guaranteed of some excellent views of prominences and sunspots.

The official announcement from Barlow Bob is below:


The Rockland Astronomy Club Is Proud To Present

The 2013 Tenth Annual NEAF SOLAR STAR PARTY

APRIL 20 AND 21, 2013

At Rockland Community College – Suffern, New York

NEAF attendees are invited to observe the Sun with attitude in different
wavelengths, through a variety of solar filters and spectroscopes.

Join us, for two days of solar observing at NEAF 2013.

No star party entrance fee, or registration required.


For further information, please visit our website:

www.rocklandastronomy.com & neafsolar.com